SDC Software Defined Connectors v10.62 for Windows

SDC Software Defined Connectors v10.62 for Windows

SDC, Software Defined Connectors is a utility developed by UT4LW. Think of it like a Swiss army knife for ExpertSDR2 providing a COM port spider, Rig synchronisation of transceivers and (remote) receivers using OmniRig or ExpertSync, Telnet server to gather cluster spots from multiple sources, a Free CW Skimmer, a Free Skimmer Server, Audio transfer to and from a remote computer, CW module with key via COM port with monitor for keying a remote transmitter, an audio mixer to reate all kinds of connections and splits of audio. Finally a Server for remote connection of clients to COM Spider, Audio Clients.
SDC is also available for Windows x64, Linux and macOS at